Mentorship for Hosts

Hosting fantastic events is one of the most enjoyable and highest return things you can spend your time with. As an Interintellect salon host, you’re sharing your knowledge, learning from others, building a community around important ideas, and earning extra income.
Beyond the “Host Greenroom” channel on our community forum and the “Host Hub” here on the website, and beside our regular Host Training events, we’re now launching our new Host Mentoring Program!
Come and learn 1:1 at coaching sessions from our most prominent Interintellect hosts: how to set up an event, what topic to choose, how to manage the room so everyone’s comfortable, whether to do it online or offline, or how to promote it successfully, trade secrets your mentors are more than happy to share. The art of hosting should be available to everyone.
Philosophy, technology, art, psychology, history…. Come and change the world one great conversation at a time!
Hosts Run the World

“From being an Interintellect salon attendee to hosting my own salons has been a profound journey of self-discovery and finding amazing people who have turned into friends that I can call upon, despite sometimes being continents between us. Hosting has been such an enriching experience where the initial hesitancy of bringing my thoughts and ideas on a public platform, quickly transformed into connecting with like minded fellow Interintellects who are encouraging, kind, and thoughtful. If you have been on the fence with hosting, I would encourage you to take a leap of faith, because truly on the other side are soulful friendships and brilliant conversations that will leave you mesmerized.” — Tanya Raj

Meet the Mentors

Mentor description: Patricia has been an Interintellect host since October 2020 hosting over 30 salons and workshops online and IRL in London, Berlin, Zürich, and Amsterdam. As an Interintellect mentor, Patricia can help and support you in designing your Interintellect salons, from start to finish, with a focus on building more interactive and wholesome online salons and connecting with your audience before and after salons. Read more about her thoughts On the Art of Conversation in her essay here.
Availability: September 18th – December 31st
Duration: 45 minutes per call
Pricing: 45 EUR for one call, 65 EUR for one-off, 150 EUR for a package of 3 calls
“My hosting experience has been a source of intellectual and emotional nourishment. But that’s table stakes. The bigger joy, particularly in co-hosting, has been making incomparable friendships of depth, curiosity and generosity within the community.” — Amir H. Hajizamani
“Hosting was extremely rewarding. It’s a great way to engage with your audience if you have one and an even better way to meet people who are interested your area of expertise or interest. The process is drop dead simple and the team is tremendously supportive. If there’s a better way to spend a few hours getting paid, I’m not sure I know of it.” — Sean Hughes